German Kinderverein Essen e.V., a wonderful organization that helps children who are in abusive relationships.
Everyone nowadays writes text messages on their smart phones. Now you can send wonderful personal voice messages with a 3D Avatar instead.
How does it work? Quite simple: let iGab bring your messages to life. Just pick your favorite 3D character and let them do the talking with your voice. The message can be sent by MMS, WhatsApp, e-mail, Twitter or Facebook are sent.
iGab however has a very important advantage: with the download a non-profit organization is supported every month. With only 1.79 you can download the app once and can as many messages as you wish.

Anyone who downloads the app in December will get the Christmas characters Mary the Christmas Elf and Smoerre the Christmas Elk and you do something good and suuport the German Children’s Associated (Kinderverein). This association is committed to the implementation of the UN-convention on children’s rights. Rainer Rettinger, Managing Director of the Kinderverein is focused on the fight against child abuse. He is looking forward to sending many fun Christmas greetings with iGab and hopes for many downloads in December. „This is probably the hippest and coolest 3D Video-way to send Christmas wishes,“ says Rettinger – he has already down loaded it and sending messages.
Gab is there for the iPhone http://bit.ly/1zZK1kJ and Android: http://bit.ly/1piANJV and is available everywhere.
All other information can be found in http://www.i-gab.com/gr/charity-des-monats/