Germany shows its true colours against child abuse.
Deutscher Kinderverein launches exhibition with celebrities
They look serious, determined and resolute. Strikingly portrayed against a contrasting black background by photographer Carsten Sander, their faces display their true colours: songwriter Andreas Bourani, professional football player and member of Germany’s champion World Cup team Roman Weidenfeller, actor Mario Adorf and Armin Rohde, Hannelore Elsner and Andrea Sawatzki, Charité forensic medicine specialist Prof. Michael Tsokos, M.D., and others. The health insurance scheme BARMER GEK is cooperation partner in the campaign.
What is it that has aroused all these individuals? Every day, 11 children are severely beaten, requiring hospital treatment. A total of approximately 4000 cases have been recorded. In 2015, 130 children died from injuries caused by physical abuse. 81 per cent of them were less than six years old when they died. According to the German Federal Bureau of Investigation, 52 cases did not go beyond attempted murder. It is generally accepted, however, that all these numbers are only the tip of the iceberg, with the vast majority of cases remaining unreported. More than 200,000 children suffer abuse in Germany, according to forensic medicine specialists Tsokos and Etzold.
„We fight against the abuse of children and for their rights,“ is the slogan of the Deutscher Kinderverein. More and more people are supporting this cause and are showing their true colours in the truest sense of the word. In a national photograph initiative, celebrities from the worlds of film, sports and the media as well as many people who are not in the limelight are taking up the topic. The exhibition is to be shown in the buildings of STILWERK gallery. All photos and statements furthermore feature in an 80-page exhibition catalogue.
Kinderverein would like to use this campaign to carry on the fight against the taboo topic of child abuse. It seeks to stir things up and inform. „We would be pleased if you would support us in this important task. Take a close look at the alarming facts and together with us show your true colours against child abuse,“ is how Rainer Rettinger, Managing Director of the Kinderverein, sums up the initiative.
Here are some sample photos from the campaign:

„Niemals gegen die Wehrlosen!“
Angelina Rigby, Senior Director Sales Central Europe
„Wer an Schutzbefohlenen Gewalt ausübt, sollte sich dringend Hilfe aufsuchen, denn Gewaltbereitschaft hat immer eine Ursache, der man begegnen kann und muss!“
Konrad Peschmann, Tonmeister TheSoundShack GmbH, Hamburg
„Gewalt gegen Kinder, Kindesmisshandlung ist ein Thema, das mich zutiefst erschüttert. Erfahren Kinder Gewalt und Misshandlung, hat das Auswirkungen auf ihre Zukunft. Denn auch wenn die äußeren Wunden schon längst verheilt sind, können die inneren Wunden ein Leben lang bleiben.“
Melanie Siegel, Dipl. Sozialwissenschaftlerin, Fachberaterin für Psychotraumatologie

„Stell Dir nur eine Sekunde vor, es wäre dein Kind.“
Roman Weidenfeller, Fußball-Weltmeister
„Gewalt gegen Kinder ist die Kapitulation des Geistes Erwachsener und muss entschieden bekämpft werden.“
Tom Thomsen, Auktionator